Welcome to the North Shore Community Solar Reservation List

Deerfield • Glencoe • Highland Park • Lake Bluff • Lake Forest • Northbrook • Skokie

North Shore Electricity Aggregation Consortium

Support Renewable Energy and Secure Guaranteed Savings with Community Solar

Residential and Small Commercial consumers located in the North Shore can capture the benefits of solar without any investment or installing any solar panels on your roof.

With the CS² Program, North Shore consumers can:

  • Support new solar development in northern Illinois
  • Save a minimum of 10% of the community solar credits
  • Sign up for $0 cost
  • Terminate at any time for $0 cost

Large scale community solar gardens are developed at off-site locations by private developers to generate clean, carbon-free electricity.

No solar rooftop panels are required on your residence.

The community solar garden generates clean, carbon-free electricity and supplies it to the utility’s power grid for delivery to its distribution customers including homes, schools and business.

You enroll as a subscriber to the community solar facility, and you receive a community solar credit on your monthly utility electricity invoice for your portion of the solar power generated each month. MC Squared Energy Services, LLC. (mc²) bills you separately based on the community solar credit that you receive, and you will retain a minimum of 10% as your monthly savings! There are no other fees involved – it’s that simple to support solar generating resources in Illinois and receive a guaranteed savings for participating.

Signing up for Community Solar is Easy

There is no cost or obligation to put your name on the CS² Program using the form below. Once you’ve submitted your information, the CS² Program Administrator – MC Squared Energy Services – will review your account for the following:

  • Ensure that your account qualifies under ComEd’s rules; and,
  • Identify the Subscription size that is right for your account.

MC Squared Energy Services will inform you by email once your account has been confirmed, and again when a community solar farm that is participating in the CS² Program is ready to commence operations. At that time, you may choose to complete the enrollment process and start receiving your community solar credits.

Click to View
IPA Community Solar Brochure

Click to View IPA Community Solar Brochure

Highly rated as reported
by the Illinaois Commerce Commission

MC Squared Energy Services, Electric Equipment & Supplies - Retail, Chicago, IL


Overview of Community Solar Savings Program

A community solar project is a single site solar installation that is shared by multiple subscribers. Community solar allows "subscribers" to receive community solar credits on their electricity bill and support the development of renewable energy resources without needing to install any solar equipment on their residence.
It is an easy way to support clean energy generation located within Illinois. Supporting these types of projects help reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and support clean energy generation. In addition, you do not have to invest in a solar asset on your rooftop, which may not be right for everybody. You will receive a community solar credit on your monthly Ameren or ComEd electric utility bill for your share of the generation created by these projects. The mc² program does not have upfront costs and will provide savings if the subscriber follows a few simple steps.
Click Here for more information

Eligibility and Enrollment Information

Each community solar project will have capacity for a limited number of subscriptions. Residents on the reservation list will be contacted as new community solar subscription opportunities become available through mc² as subscription agent for the project developer.
Residential rate class, watt-hour and small commercial rate class (0-100 kW) customers are eligible.
Income eligible residents can review a list of Illinois Solar for All approved vendors at https://www.illinoissfa.com/vendor-directory/.

Community Solar and Net Metering

Yes, customers that have installed behind-the-meter distributed-generation resources on their premise, such as roof-top solar arrays, are currently eligible to participate as a subscriber in a community solar project. However, the ideal subscription size may depend on how much of your home or business’ electric usage is offset by the current behind-the-meter resource.
Maybe, but it depends on sizing your subscription so that you can put your bill credits to use by offsetting utility bill charges. We do not recommend community solar subscriptions for customers with behind-the-meter net metering resources that offset most or all of the customer’s usage are less likely to have enough of a bill remaining to benefit from community solar bill credits. Conversely, customers who still have a substantial bill even after the value from the behind-the-meter system may save money.

Because community solar and some behind-the-meter revenues are bill credits (as opposed to value a customer can cash out), it is important to size the applicable credits to the portions of the bill that can be offset. The potential savings opportunity may be reduced (or even negative) if your bill credits exceed the amount of your electric bill over time.

Billing and Service Information

It is a 2-bill process. You will continue to receive your monthly utility bill as you do currently and can pay the utility bill as you currently do for your electricity supply service. Once your account is successfully enrolled with the utility, you will receive the community solar credits on your monthly utility bill for your share of the generation created by your Community Solar project and will be credited against your total electricity costs. mc² then bills you a monthly subscription fee based on the community solar credits that you received from your utility; therefore, you will save a minimum of 10% of the monthly community solar credits. The monthly subscription fee from mc² will be billed in arrears and vary based on the actual community solar credits that you received on your monthly utility bill which tends to be higher in the summer months and lower in the winter months.
Your community solar credit will appear on your monthly utility bill for your share of the actual solar generation created by the community solar project. mc² will bill you separately for the monthly subscription fee based on the community solar credit that you received, using the credit/debit card that was provided during the secure on-line enrollment process. The net result is a minimum savings of at least 10% of the community solar credits to you!

The mc² community solar subscription invoice will be billed after the monthly generation data from the community solar project is reconciled and validated with the utility which means that there could be up to a one-month lag of the subscription fee invoice depending on your meter read cycle timing. To reconcile the net savings for a specific month, please refer to the billing period listed on your recent mc² subscription fee invoice and compare it to the corresponding generation period listed on your utility bill.



If you move within the same utility service area, we can transfer your community solar subscription to your new address. If you move outside of Illinois, you can transfer your subscription to another customer in your utility service area or cancel your subscription with no termination fee. Email [email protected] to coordinate the transfer or cancellation of your subscription.


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*You may choose a community solar offer from other Approved Vendors. For a complete list of your options, visit https://illinoisshines.com/approved-vendor-info/.